What Are React Components? Explained Simply !!

What Are React Components? Explained Simply !!

Crafting Your Components: A Guide to Creating and Using Them πŸ“¦


3 min read

Understanding React Components 🧩

In React, we use something called components. These are like building blocks for making websites and apps. Think of them as small, individual parts that can be put together to create a whole website or app. Imagine a website having pieces like a header, footer, main content, and side navbar. Each of these can be thought of as a component.

For example, if you look at a DEV page is made up of many components. There's a navbar, feed post, etc, All these pieces fit together to make DEV a page.

In the image above, on the DEV page, you'll notice that all the components are highlighted within square boxes:

  • The Navbar is a component comprising sub-components such as Home, Explore, Notifications, and more.

  • The Main Content (feed) also consists of various sub-components.

  • The aside section also contains a few other sub-components.

If we didn't use components, writing code for large apps would be like solving a big puzzle with lots of pieces. It would be messy and hard to manage. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« But with components, it's much easier and neater. 😌

Why Use Components? πŸ€”

The components are awesome for a few reasons:

  1. Reusability: You can use the same components in different parts of your app, which keeps your codebase small and easier to handle.

  2. Separation of Concerns: Instead of having one big mess of code, you have smaller, separate pieces. Each piece (or component) does one job, making your code easy to understand and maintain.

  3. Custom Tags: Components let you make your own special tags that make your code easier to read.

How to Create Components πŸ”¨

Creating components is like mixing ingredients to bake a cake. 🍰 In web development, it's a mix of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

You write the code for your components in separate files. These files can be either.JSX or simple .JS files. JSX is just a special way of writing JavaScript that looks a bit like HTML.

Read about JSX from here

Types of Components in React πŸ“¦

In React, there are two main types of components:

  1. Stateless Functional Components: These are simple components that don't remember anything. They just show stuff on the screen.

  2. Stateful Class Components: These components can remember things and do more complex tasks. We'll learn more about them in the next part. 🀠

Thanks for reading all the way to the end! πŸ’–

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Happy Coding :)❀️

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